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發表於 2024-8-28 16:37:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
今朝听力在題型方面跟以前没甚麼變革:P1 跟P4 以填空為主,P2多為四種題型的某個组合,单選、多選、配對和舆圖。 P3 是三個題型的一個组合,单選、多選和配對。







co妹妹unity (n.社區)= people living nearby/ living on the street

popular (adj.受接待的)= attracts many people

confidentiality (n. 秘密)= the person wants reassurance that no names will be traceable from the answers





阐發毛病缘由:总健壮用題型技能 & 总结不會的单词和表达方法。

备考的三個根基功,别離是单词的對准、同义词更换堆集,另有长句子的理解能力。做好這三個根基功以後,考前再做15 天的套題练習。下次再去測驗的時辰,你便可以自傲地奉告本身:“我必定是這個科場里邊分数最高的阿谁崽!”



Part One 考情阐發——整體上以小我信息動身

纵觀2022年整年12個月的測驗,话題重要以平常糊口類话題為主。除去最多見一些必考话題,故乡/事情仍是學生/留宿環境等等,另有以下如许一些话題,好比shoes,sports,reading, singing 等。

总體来看,依然關乎于小我的爱好,平常糊口。像Concentration; Memory; Boring things; Sitting down坐這種可能會略微偏抽象一點的題比重其實不是出格大,只是零星地散布在2022年整年中。

  考查范畴:平常糊口類话題為主;科技、學科、抽象類為辅 。e.g., Getting lost; Shoes; Sports; TV programs; Reading; Singing; Technology; APP; Science; Geography; Concentration; Memory; Boring things; Sitting down




1)语法中的時态。eg., Have you ever lost things? / Did you stay up late when you were little?

2)辞汇中的详细表达。e.g., types of cars / jewelry / TV programs / advertisements / websites / headphones

考查難度:集中在抽象類话題上面。e.g., Daily routines; Sitting down; Boring things; Puzzles; Dreams

考查難度上,針對一些小我信息、糊口類信息的考查其實不算難,但抽象话題依然會成為大師的温習重點,而這些话題或许會在2023 年時時時地呈現。

Part Two 包含人物類、事務類、物品類、地址類。@此%Md妹妹H%中@事務類在1-4月、5-8月、9-12月 别離占比44%、45%、51%。


Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably / well

Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g. vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)

Describe an interesting neighbor


人物類:how did you know this person? / where did you meet this person?

物品類:where you saw it? / who gave it to you?

地址類:when you went there? / what did you do there?

事務類:when it happened? / how you felt about it?

Part 2 與 Part 1 话題联系關系度较高

Taking photos (1-4月P1) → Describe a photo you took that you are proud of (9-12月P2)

TV programs (1-4月P1) → Describe a program you like to watch (9-12月P2)

Concentration (1-4月P1) → Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/ study  (5-8月P2)

Reading (5-8月P1) → Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting (9-12月P2)


Part Three 考情阐發之問題難度品级散布

Opening Questions  5.5分及如下

Medium Questions   6分 ~ 6.5分

Advanced Questions  7分及以上


Part Three 考情阐發  之 Opening Questions


A. Identify    E.g., What are some personal qualities that can make a person popular?

B. Describe  E.g., What types of historical buildings that a lot of people visit in China?

C. Outline    E.g., What kinds of TV programs that are popular in China?

D. Evaluate  E.g., What are some advantages and disadvantages of living a city?

Part Three 考情阐發  之 Medium Questions


E. Consider  E.g., Whether it 桃園抽水肥,is possible for the information that is available on the internet to be controlled?

F. Compare    E.g., Who do you think use cell phones more, young people or old people?

G. Co妹妹ent on     E.g., What problems that noisy neighbors can cause?

H. Give reasons     E.g., Why do some people find it difficult to concentrate at work?

Part Three 考情阐發  之 Advanced Questions


I. Speculate on免費無碼, E.g., Whether national differences in clothing will eventually disappear?

J. Assess E.g., How easy it is to find somewhere quiet in large cities?

K. Discuss E.g., How tourism can improve the local economy?

L. Suggestions & Solutions E.g., What ordinary people can do to help protect rare animals?

這部門内容包含5-8月(近期换題季)雅思白话標題阐發及雅思白话測驗PART 3應答计谋。


Part One  

1) 必考題:Hometown, Work or Study, Acco妹妹odation

2) 其他題:Library, Schools, Music, Art, Keys, T-shirts, Jewelry, Outer space and stars, Chocolate, Happy things, Weekends, Small business, Stay up late.

Part Two : 人物類

1. Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with

2. Describe an interesting old person you have met

3. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

4. Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire

Part Two : 地址類

1. Describe your favorite place in your house where you can relax

2. Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time

3. Describe a new development in the area where you live (eg.shopping mall, park..)

4. Describe a no降三高保健品,isy place you have been to

5. Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

Part Two : 物品類

1. Describe a website you often visit

2. Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult to use

3. Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

Part Two : 事務類

1. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

2. Describe something you would like to learn in the future

3. Describe a time when you missed or were late for an important meeting/event

4. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young

5. Descr帶夜燈纸巾盒,ibe a time when you taught a friend/relative something

6. Describe an unusual meal you had

7. Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about

8. Describe your first day at school that you remember

9. Describe something you did that made you feel proud

10. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

11. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result

12. Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people

13. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

Top - down 法:它是一種至上而下的答复方法,也就是说先找到一個(或几個)总结词(top),然後在给出细節和拓展(down)。

e.g.,  What are the advantages of being famous?

Critical Thinking : 质疑、多元、理性

质疑:e.g., Are teenagers less mature than adults?

多元:e.g., What makes people feel proud of themselves?

理性:e.g., Do you think ‘showing’ is a better way than ‘telling’in education?

Critical Thinking請求考生連结必定的质疑立場,打開思绪,拓宽设法,樹林當舖,同時再基于必定的究竟@按%199u8%照對事%71rV4%務@举行阐發,然後得出结論。

在應答白话Part 3時必要注重3個點:論點、論据、毗連词。論點請求给出本身的概念,然後基于究竟,并给出例子,举行阐發,最後得出结論。在表达的進程中,恰本地利用毗連词會為你的表达加分哦。

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遊戲場, 市場調查, 電子遊戲, 鞋工廠, 生活傢飾, 加盟連鎖, 台灣明星, 眼科部儀器防癌健康飲食台北美容燈飾照明沙發工廠家具工廠堆高機新竹床墊創意設計不動產

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